Splash of the Caribbean has provided continuous support of my art and fuels my passion to create and push boundaries with art and technology.
— Artist, Charell Williams
Splash of the Caribbean’s art and craft line offers a unique variety of authentic vibrant Caribbean arts and gifts from the Wider Caribbean region as well as local artists from Washington state.
Splash of the Caribbean was founded by Alyssa Johnson while she was living in the Dominican Republic. Her success with art ventures started in high school making crafts and jewelry she sold at local galleries and shops. Later, she graduated from Western Washington University with a Bachelor’s of Science in Environmental Science and Spanish and dove into the Caribbean for six years working in the sustainable tourism field first in San Juan, Puerto Rico and later in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic. When she decided to return the US, she wanted to develop a sustainable business linking the Caribbean and the US and decided to start a Caribbean artline. This was possible with the help of one of her tourism consulting clients, Dominican Entrepreneur, Jose Batista from San Jose de Ocoa who saw the potential of her business plan. Together they researched, and purchased local art from artisans around the Dominican Republic and Haiti, developed marketing materials and exported art to Seattle. Later, they expanded to include additional arts and crafts from around the wider Caribbean. Jose later decided to invest more into growing and exporting Dominican agricultural products and Alyssa bought out his share in the business. Now, Splash of the Caribbean also helps local artists from Puget Sound launch, promote and sell their talents to a wider audience.